Welsh is the priority:
Bywyd Blodwen Jones gan Bethan Gwanas (1999)
Blodwen Jones a'r Aderyn Prin gan Bethan Gwanas (2001)
Tri Chynnig i Blodwen Jones gan Bethan Gwanas (2003)
The Hunger Games Trilogy - no.3 was comparably weak.
Comments with a score rather than reviews:
Watched in 2013
- Django Unchained 7.5/10; bit silly in places ... but this is Tarantino
- The Dark Knight Rises Lengthy but held the attention. Anne Hathaway a plus. 8/10
- Silver Lining Playbook Grabbed plenty of plaudits but a few flaws 8/10
- Hunger Games Better than expected 7/10
- Dredd - violent but well implemented. Set up for a sequel. 7/10
- Skyfall All v.silly 6.5/10
- Looper - reasonably complex SciFi without too many holes 8/10
- Gwaith Cartref
- Game of Thrones - racist ... really? Just enjoy.
- Mad Men
- Frankie
- Go Cymru/ Lions!
- Congrats Andy Murray